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Webinar: Designing the perfect meeting room setup

Are your meeting rooms actually meeting your needs?

Many offices are filled with large meeting rooms that sit empty—while employees struggle to find the right space. It’s time to rethink meeting room planning.

Join us for this webinar, where we’ll explore:

  • The common mismatch between meeting spaces and actual needs

  • Key insights from 36,000+ meeting room observations

  • How to design efficient, sustainable, and frustration-free meeting spaces

  • Our recommendation algorithm that tells you exactly what meeting rooms you need—no more, no less

Finding the right balance between meeting needs and space

Did you know that 20% of meeting rooms have a capacity of 13+ people, and 50% of companies have at least three or more of these large rooms?

But when we look at actual needs, the numbers tell a different story.

We invite you to join us and learn how to design the perfect meeting room setup—whether you’re an architect, designer, consultant, or project manager.

Let’s design meeting spaces that make sense.

January 29

Webinar: Designing user-centric-offices

March 18

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